IVFSynergy are pleased to announce the new arrival of the Statebourne Series to our Liquid Nitrogen Vessel sales portfolio. These vessels are well respected and offer a solid solution to liquid nitrogen storage.
We have a large range of Dewars from the best names in the industry MVE,Worthington, Synergy, CBS, and Statebourne vessels.
Bio Series Statebourne
- Storage of up to 1,020 cryogenic vials
- Manufactured from toughened lightweight aluminium
- Suitable for storage of vials in cryo-canes, or straws
- Super-insulated high vacuum system ensures dependable high performance
- Capacities from 2 to 36 litres
- Equipped with polycarbonate lid with locking facility
- Supplied with traditional storage canisters
- Extended Hold-Time Models – narrow neck opening for outstanding thermal efficiency offering long term storage
- High Capacity Models – wider neck opening for easier access to store large quantities of biological material
- 5 year warranty on vacuum

Small Capacity (SC) and Extra Capacity (XC) Series Aluminum Dewars Provide Long Term Secure Storage with Low Liquid Nitrogen Consumption in a Convenient Lightweight Package
Bend Don't Break™ (Patent Pending) – a redesigned top head that deforms to absorb G-force damage to the neck area and minimize the chances of product loss through mishandling and during transportation.
Semen Safe™ – a stronger composite neck that is 20% stronger than the previous design and specifically intended to minimize damage and prevent semen loss through mishandling and during transportation.
Principal Features
Low liquid nitrogen consumption
Convenient lightweight package
2 year parts warranty
5 year vacuum warranty
Conform to MDD 93/42/EEC, Medical Device Directive for the EU
IC Biomedical / Worthington (Taylor Warton)

The IC Biomedical (previously) Worthington Industries / Taylor Warton Liquid Dewar (LD) Series of cryogenic dewars are designed for storing and dispensing smaller amounts of liquid nitrogen.
The line includes a pitcher-style dewar for easy pouring (LD4), a beaker-style wide-mouth dewar (5LD), and a unique onion-style dewar (CLASSIC-25) that offers an improved center of gravity for ease of lifting and pouring.
Liquid capacities range from 4 liters to 50 liters.
Aluminum Dewar Features:
- High performance modern construction
- Advanced insulation materials assure high thermal efficiency
- Rugged construction, ribbed high strength aluminum body, magenformed necktube design and durable paint system
- Lightweight snap-on cap and necktube assures tight closure and easy access
- Larger handles
- Superior vacuum performance with super insulation provides maximum holding times
Optional accessories include:
- Tipping stands and roller bases for certain dewars
- Measuring rods for determining liquid level inside the dewars
- Industry-leading liquid withdrawal device that provides safe and secure dispensing of liquid nitrogen at flow rates up to 8 liters per minute
Manual-fill Cryosystems provide versatile, low cost sample storage at cryogenic temperatures with maximum capacity and low liquid nitrogen consumption.
- ‘XC’, ‘Classic’ and ‘Value Added’ Series are suitable for a wide range of storage requirements
- Capacities from 210 to 6,000 2ml vials
- Advanced vacuum and insulation for maximum thermal performance
- Durable, lightweight aluminium construction and roller bases for easy mobility
- Storage solutions for vials and straws
- Easy access to store and retrieve samples
- Sample security with low-level alarm and lockable lids
Also in this range is the larger 1500 / 3000 vessel