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AIYX - Disposable Sperm Counting Chamber
AIYX - Disposable Sperm Counting Chamber - CASA slide
AIYX - Four Cell Disposable Sperm Counting Chamber
Astec - AP Incubator range - Water Jacket
Astec - EC-6S
Astec - IVF CUBE
Astec - Large Direct Heat Co2 Multigas SCA/SMA 80 - 165
Astec - MN-2 MINI Bench Top Incubator
Astec - SCA/SMA-30
Astec - SD-830 Single Drawer (Stacking)
CBS - 4001 (4000 2 ml vials capacity) Value Added Dewar
CBS - 6001 (6000 2ml vials capacity) Value Added Dewar
CBS - DS-3 Cryo Vapour Shippers Dewars
CBS - SC Range of Vapour Shipper Dewars
CBS - V 1500 & 3000 AB Isothermal - alternative to Dewar
CBS - XC 34/18 Dewar
CBS - XC 47/11 Dewar
CBS - XC20/20 Dewar
Cell VU DRM-600 Sperm Counting Chamber
Circular Rotating Pipette rack pipette stand for adjustable pipette applicable for Dragon lab, Biohit, thermoelectric, Eppendorf
Clinical / Surgical Bowls
Decontamination - Room Deep Clean
Disinfection - Deep Clean and Decontamination
Eggtech - Animal Sector
Electric Height Single Foot Section Treatment Chair
Enthermics - EC350L Fluid Warming
Enthermics - Fluid Warmer DC250
Enthermics - Fluid Warmer DC400L
ESCO - MIRI - Mini
ESCO - Miri 6 chamber system
ESCO - Miri Gas Analyser
ESCO - Miri Time Lapse
Esco Inline Filter
Fusion Classic Plus+ 3 Section Electric Couch
Fusion Drop End Multi-Discipline Couch
G100 - CO2 & O2 Testing Monitor
Gas Supply Tubing / Hose
Grant - Squirrel Logger with 1-8 Thermocouples
Gynaecology 3-2 Section Electric Couch