The Matcher labelling module includes two types of labels, one for
laboratory use and one for cryo use, all of which are fully validated.
Each label sheet provides more than enough labels for every type
of labware required, covering the whole treatment cycle from initial
registration through to PGT/PGD, cryo storage and transfer.
There’s no need to handwrite on any labware again - even PCR tubes -
saving time and reducing the possibility of misreading the information.
Fits all sizes - Matcher labels fit all shapes and sizes of labware, even very small vitrification straws, ICSI dishes and PCR tubes
Tested - All aspects of the labels are tested - label materials,
adhesive, and printer toner. Testing includes mouse embryo assay, sperm assay and over 10 years of human gamete and embryo usage
Clear Vision - Matcher’s clear vision labels can fold underneath dishes, and be clearly read from above without obscuring microscopy
No Additional Cost - Printers for the labels can be provided as part of the system, as well as sheets of each type of labels
Cryo Proof - Matcher’s proprietary labelling system includes both standard
and cryo labels. Cryo labels are tested for safe, long term liquid nitrogen storage
Individual Embryo Tracking - Every barcode on every item is uniquely identifiable for unrivalled traceability down to embryo level – a major advantage for embryo biopsy
Configurable Content - There are multiple label reports
to choose from